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Connect with ROS

After booting, TIAGo automatically start a ROS master including the essential nodes to control all the joints. Some additional notable things that launch on startup:

  • amcl localization
  • move_base navigation
  • move_group to control the TIAGo via moveit

To connect to the ROS_MASTER_URI of TIAGo make sure:

  • You are on the same network, either via wifi or ethernet.
  • You added tiago-115c to your hosts file. Use sudo <editor> /etc/hosts because it's read-only otherwise.

    Note: exporting the following environment variables has to be done for every new terminal you open, you might consider adding it to your .bashrc temporarily.

  • You have exported the following: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://tiago-115c:11311.
  • You have an ip in subnet 10.68.0.*
  • You have exported the following: export ROS_IP=<your_ip>

Post connection setup

If TIAGo has been connected to the charging station, it is required to perform the undocking action. Otherwise move_base will not be allowed to control the base. The undocking action can be run as follows:

rosrun actionlib /undocker_server

At which point a small qt qui will appear. Press send_request and TIAGo will perform the undocking action (moving backwards a little and turning around). Now move_base can be used to autonomously control the base!